Tag Archives: good men


In the 15th century, Father’s Day was first celebrated in England during the reign of King George II. In America, Father’s Day began in 1910 at a YMCA in Spokane, Washington, started by Sonora Smart Dodd. America arrived late with its Father’s Day proclamation, and our celebration wasn’t initiated by royalty, but by a woman from Arkansas who realized the importance of good men who are also good fathers and grandfathers. In my opinion, a Father’s Day tribute established by a grateful daughter trumps a king any day.

Father’s Day has never garnered the retail sales successes of greeting cards and flowers of Mother’s Day, maybe because men miss the joys of morning sickness, labor and childbirth, stretch marks and all the Flesh Badges of Courage that mothers enjoy. But we all know the fathers who are REAL dads and grandpas, who are essential and strong and loving, who are there for the children and grandchildren…and also there for the mothers of those children.

Pope John XXIII said, “It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.”  He was right. Unfortunately.

This blog is for the REAL MEN who step up to the daddy and grandpa plate, not just when it’s convenient but constantly, whenever children want and need help, and sometimes even when they don’t. It’s also for the dads, step dads, adopted and foster dads, grandpas, uncles and role models who encourage, shelter and guide the children who count on them. THANK YOU.

At our house this Father’s Day, the Kansas clan came to Colorado and we celebrated in 5-Star grandeur. A one-inning softball game in the park, without enough players to cover the bases but with a dog at short stop, the stellar antics of an 8-year-old pitcher and lots of cheering for each other. Then came a patio picnic of baked burritos, pizza, watermelon, and for dessert amazing cupcakes with ornaments that were also rings. With the gooey icing still staining our faces, we wore the rings like emblems of a secret club. We are a club, a family club, but it’s no secret. When it comes to celebrating Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, birthdays, average days and anything family, we’re obvious…and sometimes a tad embarrassing, but always genuine. Hugs and laughter, and trading sticky cupcake rings and mushy “I love you” kisses.

Happy Father’s Day, Daddy Trevor and Grandpa Jim, and special thoughts to those who have gone before and made today possible ~ Great-grandpa Ray, Opa Warner, and the wonderful uncles and cousins and friends we hope watched our fumbling Father’s Day softball game and smiled down on us all.  WE THANK YOU.


Filed under Father's Day, lessons about life, making a difference, memories for grandchildren, memories for great-grandchildren