Best Moment Award for post, "Que Sera, Sera"

Best Moment Award for post, “Que Sera, Sera”

Dear Mom,

Do you remember the December 2012 post “Que Sera Sera”?  It was about our neighbor building a fallout shelter, and the funny secret–and a serious lesson–you shared with me about why we didn’t want to also build a shelter.

Last week Brittnay DeLong of selected “Que Sera Sera” for a special award. The BEST MOMENT AWARD is different from other awards because it’s for only one post, a reader’s favorite “best moment.”  “Que Sera Sera” was one of your favorite posts, too.  When I read the post aloud to you, we laughed about how the schools had children hiding under their desks, and parents were encouraged to have special “plans” ready during the Cold War. (For the complete post, go to )  For both of us, Mom, I proudly accept this award and sincerely thank Brittnay.

Today our blog, “Things I Want To Tell My Mother,” is nominating 8 special, specific posts for the BEST MOMENT AWARD.  These are truly  exceptional and memorable posts, and we hope our readers will click on the links and enjoy them:

~Darla Writes

~The Best Chapter

~Poems from Oostburg, Wisconsin[anne-lamott/


~Just Rod

~Wacky World of Writing

The last two award nominees have very diverse posts, but their stories about being bloggers (one in America and the other in the UK) who became friends and visited with their families and then wrote posts about the visit deserve an award for each of them!

~Is it me?

~Julia Barrett’s World


Rules for the BEST MOMENT AWARD:  1. These nominees (now winners) repost these rules completely after their acceptance speech. 2. Winners now have the privilege of awarding the next awardees! The re-post should include a Thank You for those who helped them, a NEW list of people and blogs worthy of the award (up to 15), and the winners posted here will then notify their choices with the great news of receiving this special award.    Download the award’s logo at and post it with your acceptance.yellow yarrow

Cold War prep. ~ LIFE Mag.

Cold War prep. ~ LIFE Mag.

Marylin Warner and her mother Mary Shepherd with "Flat Grace" project

Marylin Warner and her mother Mary Shepherd with “Flat Grace” project


Filed under Dementia/Alzheimer's, making a difference, memories for grandchildren, The BEST MOMENT AWARD

37 responses to “BEST MOMENT AWARD

  1. Yikes! Me? Wow. I’m honored and humbled. I love your links – as I love every one of your posts.

    • Julia, you write a wide variety of wonderful topics on your blog, but the one about New Friends, you going to London to visit Tom and Ishbel on your way to Wales, was a perfect post–a Best Moment worthy of an award.

  2. beautiful post and very worthy of best moment award. it would be difficult to pick a favorite post of yours! they’re all great!

    i love that final image of you and your mother!

    • Thank you so much. It’s difficult for me to pick a favorite because they all record something special about my mother so her great-grandchildren will understand who she is and was before the dementia. I love the picture of me with mom, too, as usually I’m the one taking the pictures.

  3. Thanks for including my post Marylin. I will be out of internet reach for several days but will followup when I am back in coverage. I’m very honoured you included The New Shoes.

  4. I’m honored that you have nominated me for this award, Marilyn. Which story was this for? I will try my best to follow thru. I’ve just been really bad about this.

    • Oh, Judy, so many of your posts are amazing and could be listed as “this must be read.” Actually, I chose two, the one with the picture of you and your mother when you were very young, and the one about the music and memories and love. When I learned I could select only one, I chose the music because I was still humming some of the tunes!

  5. Oh Marylin my rambling a and mutterings, really? You really are a sweety, I am going to have to give this some thought to come up to expectations …. Bearing in mind that your Mom may get to hear them, no pressure then

    • Yes, really, Tom. This award is on behalf of my mother, so I selected those writers who made a difference with their words, who shared honest experiences and emotions. I do read these to my mother when I visit her in Kansas each month, Tom!
      Nope, no pressure!

  6. Congrats Marylin! I remember that post and Recall enjoying it. The award is well deserved! Blessings, Robyn

  7. Lovely – well deserved! All of your posts are special, it must have been hard to choose just one. Congratulations to you and your mother!

    • Thanks so much. Actually, while I appreciate Brit Delong’s selection and the nomination, there are other posts that are closer to my heart and mean more to me. But I’m glad Mom’s secret and her lesson in “Que Sera, Sera” struck cords with others.

  8. Jim

    Dearest Marylin, you created this blog as a legacy for your mother, as a way for her descendants to discover and remember her wisdom and values at a time when she herself has no memory. Unexpectedly, it seems our “family” has grown to include many wonderful people from around the world. It seems we all cherish your mother and your creativity. Congratulations for the most recent recognition.

  9. Thanks, honey. You understand and appreciate why I do this, and you’ve also always been the one who steps up when I panic or there’s a techo glitch. I thank you, and if Mom could realize what is happening, she would thank you, too.

  10. Hi Marylin,
    Congrats on receiving a well deserved award!
    Thank you so much for passing the torch onto me! 🙂

    • You’re very welcome, Tracy. “Best Moment” was a perfect award for your post about the budding Picasso artists. ;=) But it was more than that; it was also one of many posts showing your love of art–and sharing art ideas–and encouraging others. Congratulations, Tracy!

  11. I hadn’t been reading your blog back in December–loved getting the link to that post. (And congratulations!) Your mother’s wisdom is wisdom to live by (which you, of course, new). But it would be a less frantic, less fanatic place if more people understood what your mother used to say:

    “We live in a troubled world… but it’s always been troubled and dangerous, and we live by prayer, faith, and gratitude.” Amen and peace to that! ☮

    • “Amen and peace to that” is the perfect response, Tracy. Today we heard a commentator say that maybe it’s time to consider building more fallout shelters again, and stockpiling food, water and weapons.
      Again, my mother’s faith and trust inspire and comfort me.

  12. Congratulations, Marylin. Well deserved reward!

  13. jakesprinter

    Congratulation Marylin you deserve to have it my friend 🙂

  14. What a wonderful award to receive. Something that highlights a particular post, that resonated with someone. Just fantastic. Congratulations.

    • Thanks, Susan. “Que Sera, Sera” was a post my mother really enjoyed when I read it to her (though she asked, “Do we know them?”), so it was good to know others enjoyed it, too.

  15. How nice to be nominated for a post – a unique award for your special spirit, Marylin!

  16. Nice! Congrats. I always enjoy a list of good blogs to visit, too!

  17. So do I, Gretchen. Especially when the list is of one special post within each blog. It’s been great reading these.

    • Your best is superb, Tom. I’ve left messages on your blog and Julia’s, too. Thank you for your generous and kind support of this blog, and for accepting The Best Moment with grace and style!

  18. Thanks for including my post here on your list. I read the others — a very nice variety!

    • You are very welcome, Darla. This has been fun, pointing out the posts we’ve enjoyed on our friends’ blogs, and hopefully encouraging others to read and enjoy those posts as well. I have been touched, amazed and inspired by so many of your posts, Darla; it was hard to choose just one.

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